February 19, 1982 Lyndon LaRouche keynote speech at the National Democratic Policy Committee in Washington DC
2 Interviews with the Amadeus Quartet
The Amadeus Quartet performing Mozarts Dissonance quartet
April 9 1986 LaRouche fight at the National Press Club.
1986 Saturday Night Live skit "Lyndon LaRouche Theatre", the source of the idiotic slander "LaRouche says the Queen of England pushes drugs."
1986 Lyndon LaRouche interviewed on CNN's Rowland Evans & Robert Novak program.
May 11 1986 Lyndon LaRouche being interviewed on Good Morning America.
1986 LaRouche on Larry King Live the first 1/2 hour of the show, Larry interviewing Lyn.
1986 LaRouche on Larry King Live the second 1/2 hour of the show, Lyn takes phone audience question.
1992 LaRouche presidential campaign TV broadcast on economics and education.
Oct 21, 1992 Amelia Boynton Robinson speaking in St. Louis.
1994 Bueso campaign TV ad.
1994 Nouvelle Solidarité video news story about LaRouche.
For more information about the Dept. Of Justice hearings, please go to this ARTICLE
1995 The Mann-Chestnut hearings on the abuses of the US Justice Dept. Overview introduction.
1995 The Mann-Chestnut hearings on the abuses of the US Justice Dept. The LaRouche case: testimony by Attorney Odin Anderson, former United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Lyndon LaRouche, & Helga Zepp LaRouche with Q&A.
1995 The Mann-Chestnut hearings on the abuses of the US Justice Dept. The Demjanjuk Case; testimony by his lawyer Yoram Sheftel.
1995 The Mann-Chestnut hearings on the abuses of the US Justice Dept. The Kurt Waldheim Case; testimony by Dr. Hans Koechler, of the International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria.
April 1996 LaRouche keynote lecture in Russia with translator (1 hour).
April 1996 LaRouche lecture in Russia Question and Answer period.
September 5, 1998 ICLC Conference Graham Lowry on the John Winthrop, Cotton Mather, & Ben Franklin
Feb 2001 EIR Talks "Who Is Sparking War In The Middle East?"