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January 8-14, 1980 Feature How To Stop The Muslim Brotherhood - Mark Burdman The European command of the Brotherhood - Robert Dreyfuss The Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East - Jamaat-e-Islami - Dreyfuss The Roots of the Muslim Drotherhood - Robert Greenberg Capt. Setoudeh and the US Office of Naval Research - Daniel Sneider The Brotherhood in Britain's Great Game - Sneider Afghanistan: Is it the New Sarajevo? - Lyndon LaRouche The Truth Behind the Soviet Afghan Coup.
July 22, 1980 Feature on Milton Friedman - David Goldman "Mont Pelerin's Hatchetman: Milton Friedman - Excerpts from the Friedman Book by Goldman and LaRouche
November 14, 1981 Permindex: Britain's International Assassination Bureau. The targetting of Reagan and the Pope.
September 11, 1992 Michael Billington - Article on the role of the British in sabotaging Sun Yat Sens movement and supporting Mao.
September 25, 1992 Cynthia Rush - Article on the historical fight between Smiths British System and Hamiltons American System in South America.
December 11 1992 Mark Burdman - Article on the British roots of eugenics. Stuart Lewis - Review of Darwin biography.
May 28, 1993 Feature on the danger of derivitives, the cancer of the markets. Chris White - Finding a Cure for derivatives. Tony Wikrent & Chris White - "Derivitives: What Are They". Wikrent, Freeman, and Hoefle - "How financial derivatives became the world's fastest-growing market". Freeman - How LaRouches derivitives tax would solve the budget crisis.
July 23, 1993 Mark Burdman - Article on H.G. Wells and British social engineering.
August 6, 1993 Richard Welch - Article on the British promotion of Dinosaurs as cultural warfare.
April 15, 1994 Palmerstons Zoo conference panel transcript. Nancy Spannaus - Introduction. Webster Tarpley - Palmerstons Zoo in the 1850's. Gerald Rose - Venetian takeover of England. H. Graham Lowry - How Venice took over England. Jeff Steinberg - Shelburne & Benthams degenerate British intelligence operation. Anton Chaitkin - 'Young America' Slaveholders and B'nai B'rith. Joseph Brewda - Young Turks to control the Mid-East. Michael Minnicino - Frued & the Frankfort School. Dennis Speed - Jim Crow and confederate culture.
May 20, 1994 Mark Burdman - Article on Winston Churchill as a genocidal racist. Michael Billington - Discussion of MIT's Lucian Pyes defense of British free trade cheap labor policy in China.
June 10, 1994 Stuart Rosenblat - A book review of a Benjamin Disraeli biography and his building of the British Empire.
July 1, 1994 Lyndon LaRouche - "Of What Is Leo Szilard Guilty?". Carol White - "British Geopolitics and the Bomb".
July 29, 1994 Carol White - Review of two books on Bertrand Russell & the Bomb by Lyndon LaRouche and James Herchberg.
October 7, 1994 Anton Chaitkin - Article on British pychology in connection to eugenics and assassination.
November 11, 1994 Feature on British promotion of indiginism. Gretchen Small - British Royal Families promotion of indiginist people to assault nations. Silvia Palacios & Gretchen Small - The Yanomamis and human game parks. "The Mosquito Protectorite." "Shining Path butchers thousands of Indians."
November 18, 1994 Lyndon LaRouche "How We Were Shrunk" the WW2 generation & cybernetics. Dana Scanlon - Alfred Kinsey & the pedophilia conspiracy. Richard Welsh - Fred Werthams war against comic books. Mark Burdman - Prince Eddy, homosexual, and Jack the Ripper. Webster Tarpley - Dosier on the Venetian Empire.
December 2 1994 Feature on British attacks on Pres. Clinton. Jeff Steinberg - "British monarchy Takes Aim at Another President". Nancy Spannaus - "Londons Bitter Quarrels With Pres. Clinton". Feff Steinberg - Hollinger Corp. patsy threatens Pres. Clinton. Scott Thompson - "Press Slanders Pres. Clinton".
January 13, 1995 Feature on British deployment of ecological terrorism. Jeff Steinberg & Roger Maduro - Overview & how the Oligarchy created eco-terrorism. Maduro - 'Eco-tage' kills and maims. Targets of the Native Forest Network. Steinberg - the Oligarchical corporate structure behind eco-terrorism. Interview with Barry Clausen. Maduro - How its funded.
February 17, 1995 Feature on the 1990's "Conservative Revolution". Lyndon LaRouche - "Phil Gramm's Conservative Revolution in America". Scott Thompson - Profile of Lord William Rees-Mogg". Michael Minnicino - "Why We Must Call Newt Gingrich a fascist". Jeff Steinberg & Richard Freeman - The legacy of Friedrich von Hayek". Mont Pelerin Society foundation spin-offs.
March 24, 1995 Feature on Edward the 7ths creation of the Entente Cordiale. Webster Tarpley - The modern Entente in 1995. Webster Tarpley - Edward the 7ths degenerate social network and the setting up of the Entente Cordiale for WW1. Dana Scanlon - Gabriel Hanateux's history. Anton Chaitkin - Pres. McKinley, national development, and his assassination by the British. William James - Count Witte & the development of Russia. Joseph Brewda - How the British created the Balkan trigger for WW1.
April 28, 1995 Feature on Prince Philips indigenist plot to destroy Australia. Chiapas in Australia. Land rights and anthropology. Splintering Canada. Bankers & Oligarchs behind aboriginal land rights. Aboriginal torture. Interviews with: Peter Jull, Henry Reynolds, Donna Craig, Susan Woenne-Green, Michael Dodson, Dr. Nicholas Peterson, David Bennett, Ros Sultan, & Marcia Langton.
May 12, 1995 Feature on British Pacific War against the US. Lyndon LaRouche - "London launches international terrorism". Paul Goldstein - US versus British in the Pacific. Webster Tarpley - British plot against US & War Plan Red.
May 19, 1995 Mark Burdman - Prince Philips global religion project. Mary Burdman - PM Winston Churchill's sabotage of Singapore in WW2.
Jun 2, 1995 Feature on the Oaklahoma City bombing. Lyndon LaRouche - "An Act of International Terrorism". Jeff Steinberg - British propogandists behind bombing. Scott Thompson "Propagandists Of the Oaklahoma Deed". Jeff Steinberg - LaRouches enemies attack Pres. Clinton. Kathleen Klenetsky - Royals out to Balkanize U.S.A. Anton Chaitkin - "The Wise Use Movement" populists as Imperial cannon fodder.
Jun 9, 1995 Feature on British operations against Sudan now and historically. Lyndon LaRouche - "Republic of Sudan resists British Genocide". Henry Kissinger - speech on the Anglo/American relationship. Joseph Brewda - The Bernard Lewis 'Arc of Crisis' plan. Linda de Hoyos - Post WW2 timeline. Joseph Brewda - Kissinger sabotage of food independence and NSSM200. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach - History of the Nile region. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach - Sudan defeats the British. Marcia Baker - Potential of the Nile River system and development potential for the country. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach - Education and political system of Sudan. Linda de Hoyos - British 1930's apartheid policy in Southern Sudan. Scott Thompson - British operations. Linda Hoyos - Idi Amin Brit stooge. Linda Hoyos - Baroness Chalkers Ugandan mercenary. Joseph Brewda - Baroness Cox's new crusade. Joseph Brewda Lydia Cherry - List of NGO's targetting Sudan.
September 22 1995 Jeff Steinberg - Henry Kissinger as an admitted British agent, in his own words.
October 13, 1995 Feature on terrorism across Asia. Lyndon LaRouche - "The New International Terrorism". Jeff Steinberg - Afghan war spawns global narco terrorism. Ed Spannaus - How FDR planned to outflank the British. Bill Engdahl & Jeff Steinberg - "The Real Story Of The BCCI". Jeff Steinberg - The Golden Crescent heroin connection". Adam East - Anglo-American support for Afghani Mujahideen". Joseph Brewda - The SAS: terrorist manager. Scott Thompson & Joseph Brewda - Sadruddin Aga Khan: Mujahideen Coordinator. Adam East - Afghansi groups. Dosier on the different groups: The GIA, Abu Sayyaf, Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Linda de Hoyos - London run terrorism against India. Joseph Brewda - Lord Avebury. Ramtanu Maitra & Susan Maitra - Northeast India: Target of British apartheid. Madhu Gurung & Ramtanu Maitra - Dosier on India insurgent groups: Bodo Security Force, National Socialist Council of Nagaland, United Liberation Front of Assam, Peoples Liberation Army, Harkat-ul-Ansar, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Babbar Khalsa, Mohajir Quam Movement, & Anjuman-e-Sipah-i-Sahaba. Linda de Hoyos - London covers for terrorists. Joseph Brewda & Madhu Gurung - Dosier on South Asia insurgents: Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam & People's War Group.
November 10, 1995 Feature on terrorism across Ibero-America. Dennis & Gretchen Small - "London's irregular warfare vs. nations of the Americas", The Sao Paulo Forum, Spain's ETA". Valerie Rush - The Inter-American Dialogue. Cynthia Rush - 19th Century roots of the IAD. Joseph Brewda - Londons terrorist support apparatus: NGO's, indigenism, environmentalism. Case studies: Brazils Landless Movement, Workers Party, Boliva & Peru Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, Andean Council of Coca Leaf Producers, Columbias FARC/ELN, Venezuela Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement, Mexico's PRD, EZLN, and ACNR, Puerto Rico's SPF, NMIP.
December 15, 1995 Feature on the Hunt County Virginia Oligarchs. Jeff Steinberg - "The Lords of Loudon" American tories in Hunt Co. Virginia. Lonnie Wolfe - "Hunt County: The Ass End Of London". Steve Meyer "Albert Bryan Jr." and the railroading of LaRouche. Roger Moore - "John Wesley Hanes, Jr.". Lonie Wolfe - "Magalen Ohrstrom Bryant". Lonnie Wolfe - Arthur W. Arundel. Charles Tuttle & Steve Meyer - George Mason University, free trade think tank sewer. Ed Spannaus - "The Focal Point, Covert Operations". Leo Scanlon - "ARGUS: A profile of focal point operations". Ed Spannaus - ARGUS Ops against LaRouche.
January 1, 1996 Special color feature on the economic collapse. Christopher White - "30 Year Collapse of US Economy". Marcia Merry Baker - "US Market Basket Shows 50% Decline Since 60's". Richard Freeman - "Americas Physical Economy is Rapidly Disappearing". Anthony Wickrent - "Financial Processes Split From Physical Wealth Production". John Hoefle - "Standing On the Edge of the Cliff".
January 26, 1996 Mark Burdman - Article about Prince Philip and the Great Ape Project, including Peter Singer, Richard Dawkins, Jane Goodall, & Dave Jamieson. Mark Burdman - Book review of a biography of Thomas Huxley as the founder of 'Ape science'.
April 12, 1996 Feature on the British Empires 'Great Game' in the Caucuses and Central Asia up to today. Linda de Hoyos - Modern and historical geopolitical operations in the Caucuses and Central Asia. Joseph Brewda & Linda de Hoyos - David Urquharts role in Chechenia. Joseph Brewda & Linda de Hoyos - General Thompsons role in the Caucuses. Joseph Brewda & Linda de Hoyos - Playing Armenia and Azerbaijan against each other. Joseph Brewda & Linda de Hoyos - Chechen mafia backed by the British. Mark Burdman - British designs for the breakup of China & Russia through UNPO (Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization) . Joseph Brewda - David Urquhart manipulating the Ottoman Empire. Joseph Brewda - Bernard Lewis as a modern David Urquhart. Joseph Brewda - Uighers target China. Joseph Brewda - "Londons 19th Century Afghansi". Susan and Ramtanu maitra - Recent Afghan history. "Development or free trade". William Engdahl - "The Great Game and Pipeline Wars". Ramtanu Maitra "Dope Inc. Afghan Harvest".
July 26, 1996 Feature update on growth of Dope Inc. Dennis Small - Dope Inc. grows to $521 Billion. Cocaine update. Valerie Rush & Joyce Fredman - Marijuana update. Joseph Brewda - Opium wars update. Jeff Steinberg - Synthetic drugs. Richard Freeman - The British money laundering system. Linda de Hoyos - Russia & Eastern Europe as the new targets. Dennis Small - "How drugs can be wiped out".
August 9, 1996 John Hoefle - Article on "The British Empire's Lloyd's of London conspiracy".
November 22, 1996 Lyndon LaRouche - article "Ring around China: Britain seeks war".
January 3, 1997 Feature on George Bush and the mineral cartels operations in Africa. Jeff Steinberg - George Bush's "Heart of Darkness". Anton Chaitkin - Bush and Barack Gold Corp. Mark Sonnenblick - Bush's $10 billion giveaway to Barack Gold. Gail Billington - Bush collaborates with Baracks takeovers. Richard Freeman - British mining companies steal Zaire's wealth. Linda de Hoyos - British blueprint for Africa, Laurent Kabila, 1.6 million dead.
April 4, 1997 Feature on British use of terrorism. Jeff Steinberg - "Levy Sanctions On Britain for harboring Terrorists!" Jeff - Governments protest London safehousing. Joseph Brewda & Omar Abdul-Aziz - EIR's list of terrorists in London. Brewda - "Lord Avebury, terrorist godfather". Scott Thompson - The Crowns role in terrorism. Brewda - "Brit Parliament endorses terrorism". Brewda - "Osama Bin Laden, terrorist moneybags". Brewda - "Lord Palmerston's terrorist menagerie." Who is Richard Mellon Scaife? The parallel government, covert ops, and the free market zealots.
August 29, 1997 Feature "George Soros: drug pusher for the Queen" Scott Thompson - "Soros: a Golem made in Britain. Jeff Steinberg - "Is your local elected official on Dope Inc.'s payroll?". Thompson - drug legalization. Richard Freeman - Currency wars. Mark Burdman - British Lords pushing drugs. Allen Douglas - Crown agents opium war against Australia. Gretchen Small - Canada ops. Valerie Rush - Soros's role in the drug takover of Columbia. Michael & Gail Billington - Myanmar: Front line state in Soros's opium war. LaRouche's 15-point plan for a war on drugs.
Feature on modern aspects of British Empire policy. Lyndon LaRouche - Sir George Bush: On Her Majesty's Service. Crimes of George Soros. France under attack. 4 governments pin terrorism on London. Sir Kissinger British agent. Bush's empire, drugs and raw materials. British agents in the media. Direct control of media. Australia and Waco. LaRouche case. The World Trade Center bombing. Hollinger role in Clintongate. Waco & Ruby Ridge coverups. Oaklahoma City bombing coverup. What's the MRTA? Londons role in Peru terrorism. Sao Paulo Forum. Londons Jacobin terror. Media promotion of MRTA.
May 8, 1998 Article on the Euro and Angola. Elisabeth Hellenbroich - The British Euro plot against Germany. Dean Andromidos - Report on Angola.
August 14, 1998 Feature on Germany's recent history. Helga Zepp-LaRouche - "Germany's Missed Historic Chance of 1989". Helga Zepp-LaRouche - "Secret Documents On German Reunification". Lyndon LaRouche - 1988 forcast of German reunification. Rudiger Rumpf - Assassination of Herrhausen. Angelica Raimondi - Productive Triangle. Ellisabeth Hellenbroich "Thatchers Obsession to Block German Unity". Elke Fimmen - "British French Launch Balkan War Vs. Germany".
October 30, 1998 Feature on the media cartel. Lonnie Wolfe & Jeff Steinberg - "The Media Cartel". Jeff Steinberg & Charles Tuttle - Right wing direct mail ops. Lonnie Wolfe - "How the Media Brainwashes You".
December 10, 1999 Article by Richard Freeman "Its time to dump GDP as a measure of the economy."
October 15, 1999 Article by Mike Billington "Britains Sold War Against FDR's Grand Design: The East Asian Theater 1943-1963."
December 24, 1999 Feature on banking deregulation. John Hoefle - "Banking dereg: assault on our sovereignty." Richard Freeman - How the Glass-Steagall act kicked Wall St's ass. Hoefle - "Deregulation: A licence to steal". Jeff Steinberg - Brits grab raw materials before bubble pops. Lyndon LaRouche "The Myth Of Geopolitics". Scott Thompson - CSIS conference, energy geopolitics. Thompson - Brzezinski's 'New Carter Doctrine'.
January 21, 2000 "Put Britain on the list of states sponsoring terrorism" dossier presented to the Secretary of State.