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World Development and the Transition to a Fusion-Based Economy
Perspectives for Fusion Development:
On the Trends in Nuclear Fusion Research
Dr. Bo Lehnert
Top Soviet Scientist: fusion is Necessary for World Growth
P.L. Kapitsa
Engineer Map Auto-to-tractor Conversion to fight world Holocaust
Eric Lerner
Aspects of a Fusion-Based Economy
Jon Gilbertson
Conceptual Frontiers:
New Physical Concepts in Plasma Physics
V.N. Tsytovich
Frontiers of Science: Plasma Physics
Dr. Steven Bardwell
A Clear Choice
Background to Soviet Science:
The Fusion Gap
Soviet Science Running Ahead
The Emerging View of Scientific Activity
in the Comecon Bloc
Advances in Societ Fusion Research:
New Soviet Experiments Signal Push
for Brute Force Fusion
Report on World Federation of
Scientific Workers Meeting in Moscow:
Fusion Research
The Politics of Fusion
Special Feature:
The Sakharov Case
Special Feature:
The Oppenheimer Casa
and the Destruction of Science
Fusion and Development
Fusion Research
The Politics of Fusion
World Development and the Transition to a Fusion-Based Economy
Perspectives for Fusion Development:
On the Trends in Nuclear Fusion Research
Dr. Bo Lehnert
Top Soviet Scientist: fusion is Necessary for World Growth
P.L. Kapitsa
Engineer Map Auto-to-tractor Conversion to fight world Holocaust
Eric Lerner
Aspects of a Fusion-Based Economy
Jon Gilbertson
Conceptual Frontiers:
New Physical Concepts in Plasma Physics
V.N. Tsytovich
Frontiers of Science: Plasma Physics
Dr. Steven Bardwell
Hilights of the FEF Chicago Conference
The Witchhund Against Fusion
Fusion and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Linearity and Entropy:
Ludwig Boltzman and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Dr. Morris Levitt
Frontiers of Plasma Physics 2
Dr. Steven Bardwell
A Crash Program for Fusion Now
Frontiers of Plasma Physics III: The Implications of Nonlinearity
Dr. Steven Bardwell
Human Survival Depends on Nuclear Power
Jon Gilbertson
U.S. Aerospace — The Keystone to Fusion Development
Jon Gilbertson
The Rudakov Affair
U.S. Fusion is in Second Place
Soviets on the Verge of a Strategic Weapons Breakthrough
Soviet Developments
Soviets Propose to Close Fusion Gap, Offer Cooperation to U.S.
Soviets Plan Fusion Reactor by 1980
Soviets Emphasize Broad-Based Approach to Fusion
Kosygin Urges International Cooperation on Fusion
Soviets Advance Fusion As Alternative to War
In the U.S.
Teller Endorses Soviet Drive for Fusion Power by 1980
New Fusion Breakthroughs at Lawrence Livermore
ERPI Report Confirms Sabotage of U.S. Laser Development
U. of Miami Reports Progress with Plasmoids
Fusion Torch Ready for Use in Industry by 1985
European Fusion News
Attempts to Stop European JET Program Backfire
Gas-Iodine Laser Advances
Swedish Plasma Physicist: "Don't Forget Fusion"
Toward an Interdisciplinary Science
Dr. Steven Bardwell
The Overlooked Importance of Pasteur
Warren Hamerman
Observations on Dissymmetrical Forces
Louis Pasteur
Evolution as a Process of Self-Organization
Eric Lerner
Evolution – Beyond Darwin and Mendel
Dr. Richard Pollak
Drosophila Embryology The Dynamics of Evolution
Ned Rosinsky MD
Fusion Research News:
Electron Beam Research Breakthrough at Sandia Lab
MIT's AlcatorNear' Breakeven' in Fusion
Los Alamos Lab Achieves Fusion Using Carbon Dioxide Laser
Biology Research Notes:
DNA Recombination Research Under Attack
What's Behind the Saccharin Ban?
Fusion Policy:
The Ford Foundation Nuclear Energy Report-Carters: No-Energy Program