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NASA's Boost to the Economy
Marsha Freeman
Combining Magnetic and Inertial Fusion:
Winterberg Proposal Opens New Research Directions
Charles B. Stevens
The Original Mystery of Blackbody Radiation:
Its Relevance to Fusion Today
Dr. Morris Levitt
Reestablishing Mexico's Polytechnical Tradition
An interview with FEF Research Director Parpart
How Industry Can Lead The Fusion Engineering Effort
Leonard F.C. Reichle
Mapping America's Vast Oil and Gas Wealth
William Engdahl
Colonizing Space with Fusion-Propulsion Rockets
Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg
The Prospects for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Gregory H. Canavan
Three Mile Island: Two Years Later
The Media Role in Creating the Harrisburg Hoax
Fay Sober
Who Funds the Environmentalists?
Robert Zubrin
The Saturn Puzzle & the Origin of the Solar System
Dr. John Schoonover
Piaget's Role in Wrecking U.S. Education
Mary Cilbertson
The New Math: Destroying Cognitive Development
Dr. Steven Bardwell
Overturning Equilibrium Economics:
The Physical Laws of Economic Development
Dr. Steven Bardwell
The Space Shuttle:
Making Space a Scientific Laboratory
Marsha Freeman
Oil for Technology:
Blueprint for Mexico's Development
Modeling Mexico's Industrial Development
Mexico's Billion-Dollar Shopping List for 1985
The Molten Salt Hybrid:
A 'Leisurely Walk' to a Fusion Economy
C.P. Hager, Jr.
Renal Dialysis:
High-Technology Medical Care Under Attack
Ned Rosinsky, M.D.
Japan: Number 1 in Fusion?
Japan's Ambitious Fusion Program:
'If the U.S. Won't Do It, We Will'
Marsha Freeman
Japan's Frontier Industry Strategy:
An Unbeatable Plan for Economic Growth
Richard Katz
Japan's Fight for Nuclear Power
The American Roots of Japan, Inc.
Daniel Sneider
The World Needs 10 Billion People:
A Scientific Refutation of Global 2000
Dr. Steven Bardwell
NASA's Life-Enhancing Spinoffs
Catherine Caffrey
Viral Research and the Conquest of Polio:
U.S. Health Depends on Basic Science
Carol Cleary
An FEF Proposal Based on Riemann's Method
Breaking the Impasse in Inertial Confinement Fusion
Dr. Steven Bardwell and Uwe Parpart
Pioneer in Shock Waves,
Supersonic Flight, and Fusion Power
An Interview with Adolf Busemann
Exploding the H-Bomb Secret
Charles B. Steven
Industrializing the Moon—
The First Step into a New Open World
Dr. Krafft A. Ehricke
The Space Operations Center—
A Permanent Station in Space
Cordon Woodcock
Advanced Isotope Separation—
Nuclear Chemistry for the 21st Century
Charles B. Stevens
The Fusion Torch—
Unlocking the Earth's Vast Resources
Dr. John Schoonover
New Fuel Promises Fusion by 1985:
A special issue written by Dr. Steven Bardwell,
Uwe Parpart, and Charles B. Stevens
Abstract: Polarized Fuel—Threshold of a
Second Industrial Revolution
The Economic Necessity of Developing Fusion Now
1. Prospects for Fusion by 1995
2. Technological Methods in Polarized Fusion
3. Scientific Frontiers in Polarized Fusion
Keyworth's 'Short Unhappy Reign' Threatens
Testing of Breakthrough
Systems Analysis: White Collar Genocide
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
India Prepares for the Fusion Age
Interviews with Dr. Stephen Dean and Uwe Parpart
Beam Weapons: The Science to Stop Nuclear War
Dr. Steven Bardwell
Systems Analysis: White Collar Genocide
Lyndon H. LaRouche, jr.
The X-ray Laser:
A Second-Generation Beam Weapon
Charles B. Stevens and Steven Bardwell
The Extraterrestrial Imperative:
Why Mankind Must Colonize Space
Dr. Kraffi A. Ehricke
The X-ray Laser:
A Revolution in Defense, Medicine, and Industry
Charles B. Stevens
Abstract Algebra Banned:
A Mathematics Curriculum for Creating Citizens
Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum
The American System: 'People Are Wealth'
Dr. Steven Bardwell
The LaRouche-Riemann Economic Model Works!
Steven Bardwell and Uwe Parpart Henke
Pesticides and People: How Environmentalist
Politics and Bad Journalism Banned DDT
Dr. j. Gordon Edwards
Kosta Tsipis and the Scientific Opponents to
Beam Weapons: A Technical Assessment
Dr. Steven Bardwell
Thomas Alva Edison: The Scientist Who Created
The Electric Light and Power Industry
Michael Tobin
The X-Ray Laser by 1986!
Dr. Steven Bardwell
New Los Alamos Breakthroughs Point to
Compact, High Density Magnetic Fusion Devices
Charles B. Stevens
The Risk of Nuclear War in Europe
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.